Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Welcome to "It Came From 210," my first sojourn into the blogosphere as an active participant, a "blogger." Let's see how well this jacket fits.

This blog will serve as a record of the high school classes I teach. More than anything, at least at this nascent stage, this is an experiment borne of the tech class I'm taking. Part of the awkwardness of this is not knowing who, exactly, my audience is. Is it me? Is it my students? Is it Pipefitters Local 647 in Cicero? To be determined, I reckon.

Behold as I take these unsteady, entirely self-conscious first steps in the virtual world. Even as I type this, I worry about the obsolescence of the form. Today's blog might be tomorrow's cass-single. Nonetheless. Forward, charge.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading your posts!