Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm Getting Jing-y With It!

Below is my first foray with Jing. Tremendous thanks to Vicky for introducing me to this fantastic tool. Now if I could just figure out how to be able to fit the whole video into my blog screen... I'm working in it!

Jing allows you to record what you're doing on your computer (up to 5 minutes). So if you want to show students how to navigate a particular site, it's perfect. Earlier tonight, I added notes to the words in the next vocabulary unit. Sometimes the definitions in the vocab text we use can be misleading, or it will offer parts of speech for the word that are seldom employed. I've found this can just confuse kids more often than not. With Jing, I can give them a quick explanation of how the words are most often used, including turns of phrase that most often accompany the words.

Jing is genius, and it's very easy to use. Plus, they have a default thing that allows you to save it to the almighty cloud, freeing up space on your gear and guaranteeing that it won't inadvertently go bye-bye.

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